Why Meditation Is Good for You
    Keeping your mind in a constant state of flux is like keeping the motor on your car running all night long. You and the car will eventually run out of gas. Quieting your mind needs a top-five placement on your “to-do” list.  Since we are so well aware of the needs of others, from our employers to our families, it is easy to overlook ourselves. Therefore, keep the notion that it is necessary to quiet your mind at the forefront of your mind. In this way, you will be able to go...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 13:46:06 0 399
    When and How to Meditate
    Once you have decided to invest your time and effort into learning how to meditate, it is also important to decide on the when and the how of meditation. Meditation will offer many benefits in the areas of health, concentration, stress, anxiety, and joy. Setting aside a committed time is a very important component of meditation. Making sure that everyone respects your commitment is also vital to the success of your meditation experience. Make a Commitment The first and probably the most...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 13:40:52 0 352
    Tips for Successful Meditation
    Many individuals think of sitting on top of a mountaintop with legs folded and fingers poised when thinking about successful meditation. Meditation does not, however, have to be that extreme. As a matter of fact, meditation can be quite simple if you follow a few tried and true tips for successful meditation.  Set Aside an Allotted Time – When it comes to meditating successfully, make sure that you have an allotted time set aside each week for this purpose. If you choose to start...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 13:35:17 0 369
    Three Tips to Quiet Your Mind
    If you are not overachieving and extremely busy in today’s society, you are the exception and not the norm. We are all guilty of this; we overextend, overachieve, and overstress ourselves to the point of breaking. Little do we realize, however, that we are hurting our bodies by hurting our minds. The Art of Gratitude It is so easy to be upset when things do not go our way. From the moment we spill our coffee, lock our keys in the car, and forget our lunch, a spiral of circumstances can...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 13:30:18 0 389
    Learning to Relax
    Have you ever encountered a friend or family member who tells you to just relax? Don’t you just love that? Telling someone to just relax is like telling someone who is allergic to just stop being allergic. Some of us are more nervous than others and it is just a part of our genetic makeup. However, we certainly do not have to be stuck in that way of being; we can change our focus and perception and truly learn how to relax. For some of us, being relaxed is easy, and for others, it is a...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 13:20:33 0 348
    How Transcendental Meditation Can Improve Your Health
    Transcendental Meditation is the art and skill of learning how to separate oneself from negativity and stress and come to a place of awareness and self-realization. Just the sound of transcendental meditation sounds like a blessing in itself. Imagine the benefits you can obtain from actually learning how to practice transcendental meditation and make it a part of your weekly routine. Transcendental meditation can improve your health in many ways. First, there is the medical benefit and...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 13:12:42 0 317
    Easy Breathing Practices
    While a part of meditation is getting in touch with your awareness, another part has to do with relaxing and clearing your mind. Breathing is an important tool to get to both of those places. Breathing may seem as simple as breathing in and out; however, this is not entirely the case. For mediation to be successful, you will need to read up a little, listen to some CDs, and most of all practice a bit of breathing properly. Here are a few easy breathing practices to make your beginning...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 13:04:33 0 379
    Creating a Meditation Room
    Once you have made a conscious choice to meditate, then the next step is to take action. If you have chosen to meditate at home, then you will need a space where the magic will happen. We all try to sabotage ourselves and talk ourselves out of things by making excuses as to why we should not do something. However, once you commit to making meditation part of your life, there will be no more excuses. Creating a Meditation Room Pick a room in the house and declare that space to be your new...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 12:58:06 0 354
    Common Meditation Problems
    As with any new adventure, the feeling of starting off with tons of excitement and exhilaration and then falling to the other end of the spectrum is common. When you begin your endeavor of meditation, it is important to remember that there will be times of frustration. Meditation is not a magic pill that, once swallowed, will come easily and effortlessly. It takes practice and it takes patience. There are some common problems with mediation in the early stages. It is hard to focus - In the...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 12:51:20 0 335
    Beginner Meditation Techniques
    It is very important to note that with any new undertaking, there will be questions and adjustments, and your mind will probably want to talk you out of it as well. If you persist and experiment, you will get to where you need to be with your meditation practice. Understand that meditation is not something that will happen overnight or something that will be automatic from the onset. It takes time and it takes practice. Take the time to read through some books or get some audio/visual tapes...
    By Gouri Astro 2023-02-17 12:44:15 0 336
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