When Diablo first introduced Sanctuary as a world in which angels and demons fought against one another, it was only logical to have a class that was in charge of the angelic forces of light. This class is called the Angel of Light. Players of Diablo 2 have the opportunity to become blessed by the Light and take on the role of the Paladin in the game. Additionally, the additional context was provided regarding the function of religious orders in the acclaimed franchise created by Blizzard Entertainment through the introduction of the Paladin.


Despite the fact that Paladins do not make an appearance in Diablo 3 and that it is only rumored that they will do so in Diablo 4, players are still able to feel the influence of the Paladin in both the game's design and its lore. After all, the Paladin is highly skilled in the use of both the sword and the shield, in addition to the casting of auras that can alter the flow of the battle. It is common knowledge that the Paladin is one of the most useful classes in World of Warcraft; however, this does not mean that the class does not have any pleasant surprises in store for its members.

A significant majority of historians are of the opinion that the Western world was responsible for the establishment of the Paladin order around the same time as the Crusades. By calling upon the abilities bestowed by the Light, holy warriors were able to easily triumph over their foes. On the other hand, it would appear that Paladins already existed in the Western Colonies before Rakki's First Crusade to Colonize the West in order to colonize the West. In point of fact, it's possible that Paladins descended from the Protectors of the Word, which was an organization centered on the Light that was founded sometime before Rakki's war. The Protectors of the Word was an organization that was centered on the Light.

In addition, the Barbarians and the Monks represented a significant barrier that needed to be surmounted by the would-be Paladins. The Paladins and the Monks engaged in a battle of wits and abilities during the time of the First Crusade. This competition took place in the Holy Land.

Despite the fact that the Light was such an important part of Paladins' day-to-day lives, the group eventually splintered into a wide variety of different sects and organizations. For instance, the most notable of these orders is the Knights of Westmarch, who are devoted to guarding the Light while continuing to concentrate the majority of their efforts on Westmarch. Despite this, the Knights of Westmarch's primary focus is on Westmarch.

In the meantime, more recent factions, such as the Templars, take a more stringent approach to the conflict with the Burning Hells, despite having a dubious method of membership recruitment. This is the case even though the Templars take a more stringent approach to the conflict. In conclusion, the majority of modern-day paladins choose to work on their own as freelancers or end up defecting to an opposing faction. Since the launch of Diablo 3, the Crusader has taken the lead within Sanctuary as the primary incarnation of the Paladin.

It is a well-known fact among devotees of the Paladin class that the combat ability referred to as "Sacrifice" is one of the most powerful weapons in their arsenal. If the Paladin makes use of this ability, they are able to inflict a significantly greater amount of damage on their foes; however, this comes at the cost of their own life. Theoretically, Paladins are able to inflict such a large amount of damage on their foes that it has the potential to kill them as well. As a consequence of this, a build that is predicated on sacrificial offerings requires a disproportionately large number of potions.

According to the lore, in order for a Paladin to fulfill their obligation to sanctify or cleanse their own weapons with their own blood, they are required to perform a Sacrifice in order to fulfill this obligation. This act of self-sacrifice demonstrates the Paladin's unwavering devotion to the Light, and as a result, the Paladin is granted the ability to actively bless the weapon that they use. As a knight who is dependent on the Light, the Paladin is still vulnerable to being tricked by demons who are masquerading as angelic beings. This is because the Paladin is dependent on the Light. In turn, for the Light to maintain its position as the dominant force in the world, Paladins are required to always conduct their lives in an extremely orderly manner. When it comes to them, giving in to temptations will make them more susceptible to False Lights, which will in turn cause them to wander off the path they should be on.

Even though Mephisto's corruption of the Zakarum Order occurred several decades ago, the effects of such degradation are still very much present in the world today. The corrupted nature of the Zakarum order was, in point of fact, the impetus behind the formation of the Crusaders, a breakaway faction that purposefully distanced itself from the problematic organization.


When the Prime Evils were exiled to Sanctuary, the Zakarum Church played a pivotal role in ensuring that they would spend their time there imprisoned within their Soulstones


  • This was accomplished by ensuring that they would not be able to leave Sanctuary

  • The Church of Zakarum was able to acquire Mephisto's Soulstone and put it to beneficial use after the Lord of Hatred incited a fight in the crowded streets of Kehjistan, in particular

  • The Zakarum made the misguided choice to store the Soulstone in the Guardian Tower throughout all of this time

In response, Mephisto took advantage of this opportunity to covertly influence the High Council of Zakarum in his favor. After doing so, he patiently waited for close to two centuries before finally putting his plan into action. Mephisto devised his plan for evasion and made it possible by requesting that the Council break his soulstone into seven distinct pieces. Unfortunately, the order would learn about Mephisto's escape, as well as the corruption that the Zakarum had committed in the time after his escape.

Those who have played the video game Diablo 2 are aware that the Paladin character they control once worked for the Westmarch Knights. The knights, much like the majority of Paladins and holy warriors, strictly adhered to the Zakarum faith and allowed the Light to direct them in all that they did. This was one of the reasons why the knights were so successful. However, despite the holy nature of their mission, their primary goal is to protect Westmarch from the threat posed by evil forces by making use of their potent magic and formidable fighting skills. This will be accomplished by utilizing their formidable fighting skills and powerful magic.