Be aware that we are still in the process of building this tier list for various gameplay modes, features, and methods before we reveal our rankings for it in Diablo 4. Therefore, the rankings of the classes will be different. According to our Diablo 4 Tier List, the Barbarian is a respectable class because it performs admirably in virtually every category. image via Blizzard. Let's begin with the Barbarian because this is a class that excels at everything it does and has a lot of different capabilities. This is just a brief overview of the class; 



If you want or need more information, you can look up more expanded points that go into more detail about the class.
Solo: The Barbarian has a high defense rating, a good balance of crowd control, area of effect (AOE), and single-target damage, and the ability to wield up to four weapons, which adds even more stat sticks to your class's overall total. Aside from that, the Barbarian is a very tanky class thanks to its defensive capabilities as well as its general buff and debuff options, such as the exclusive Berserk buff. The Barbarian has access to a wide variety of skills and playstyle options, which should, in theory, allow them to handle content that can be completed solo. However, the beginning of the game is a horrible experience. It won't be until you're around level 18 that you'll start to notice your build activating, and bossing can take a very long time, particularly in story content. You will, however, get past these growing pains and be able to do your giant burst and consistent damage much later on, particularly around level 25 when you will be able to learn an ultimate skill.

The Barbarian has a lot of useful abilities for the group, including plenty of ways to stun enemies with his skills and his mace attacks. In addition to this, it possesses tankiness, which allows it to absorb damage for its team. Rallying Cry is a damage boost that you get for your party, and it applies to anyone in your party who is also within range. Because it also grants access to the Challenging Shout ability, you will be able to play the role of a tank in group content, whether it be for world bosses or other types of party content. Overall, Barbarians are a fantastic choice for offensive frontliners because they provide a wide variety of damage buffs.

In player versus player combat, the Barbarian has a variety of movement skills that allow it to stay on top of its opponents, as well as a grip skill that can pull enemies closer to it

It indicates that the Barbarian has a reliable and distinctive playstyle that enables them to remain within melee range of their opponent at all times. Also, because of your tankiness, potential for self-healing, stuns, and other abilities, the Barbarian is a class that can be challenging to defeat.

The level of difficulty associated with playing a barbarian is likely the highest of any of the early game classes. The class's damage burst windows are noticeably more difficult to manage than those of other classes, and its performance against bosses is subpar, at least early on. If you want to play one of these as your first class, you should know that it will be the most difficult and slowest class to level up, and you might even have to play on world tier 1 to do so. Nevertheless, their tankiness, self-healing, and defense skills more than make up for their low early damage output; therefore, it means that players need to approach the bosses in a slightly different manner. 


However, once you have overcome that early obstacle, the Barb does become a lot simpler to use, which allows you to unleash your damage potential much more quickly.
Farming: The Barbarian possesses both excellent single-target killing potential with its Fury spenders and area-of-effect (AOE) skills such as Whirlwind. This gives the Barbarian a unique advantage in farming. It is also mobile, which means that the time you spend traveling between packs will also be beneficial, particularly if you are currently using Berserk, which increases movement speed. When you reach the end game, you won't have to worry too much about bossing or mob farming because you'll find that mobbing is pretty easy for the most part despite being slightly slower than other classes earlier in the game.

Mobility: The Barbarian is equipped with a variety of leaps, charges, and, as was mentioned earlier, the Berserk buff, which grants a significant amount of movement speed. You should discover that your class has plenty of skills that allow them to navigate maps with ease. Therefore, which even awards open world movement, given that you can jump over walls and ledges, which is not possible for other classes. In addition to that, there are a great number of passive movement buffs, and your Rallying Cry also grants movement speed buffs. More than that, it's highly likely that you'll be picking up a movement skill, particularly Leap if you're going for a Fury starved build because of its 40 Fury talent, or Charge if you're going for a Vuln build. Therefore, you should prepare to be constantly active throughout this class.

Protection: The Barbarian has access to a wide variety of passive defenses as well as defensive skills. Iron Skin is beneficial due to its barrier, fortify, and self-healing properties. In addition, many aspects of your skills can apply thorns. There are also defensive buffs that can be obtained through the Challenging Shout taunt, area-of-effect (AOE) stuns, and mace weapon stuns, which together add even more ways to avoid being hit. As a result, the Barbarian is hands down the tankiest class available in the game.