Wheat flour is the most common type of flour there is. Three times as much of it is produced and consumed annually than other types of flour. Wheat flour is a common staple in foods for people all over the world. While the finished products they make with it will be different this basic ingredient can be found in them. Wheat flour is made by grinding up the grains of whole wheat. There are plenty of factories out there for just this process. 

Wheat flour is generally made from any quality of flour so it is less expensive than other types. This is because the entire part of the wheat is used to make it. With other types of flour though only certain parts are used. Some restaurants and bakeries will choose to make certain items with wheat flour. It isn’t very often that people use it to bake at home though. Wheat flour is very commonly added to other types of flour, especially by companies that manufacture various types of foods. 

This is done because there is plenty of nutritional value found in wheat flour. It is often used to add enough fiber to the product as well as to help give it a good overall shape and texture. You may be surprised to learn that even wheat bread isn’t made from 100% wheat flour. That is because it is too heavy and it makes it difficult for the bread to rise as it should.

One thing you need to know about wheat flour is that it won’t last as long as all-purpose flour. Therefore if you are going to buy some for the house you need to be ready to use it up quickly. There is a great deal of oil found in wheat flour and that is what will cause it to separate. As a result, the items you bake with old wheat flour won’t develop as they should.

The nutritional value of wheat flour is better than other types of flour that are out there. If you have the option to consume bread, crackers, and other foods that have some wheat flour in them you will be getting fewer carbohydrates and more of the nutrients that your body needs.